Every glass lined equipment is individual due to technology constraints. The surface of enamel is not machined, therefore just like human fingerprints, unique. We can restore many kinds of damages occurring on enamel coatings of production equipment in the pharmaceutical and chemical industry field.
Glass lined devices are widely used in the chemical industry and in pharmaceutical drug manufacturing technologies. The primary purpose of the glass lining is to protect the carbon steel body against corrosion and to make the product in contact with a specifically passive surface during product manufacture. The production of glass lined steel dates back to the 1850s, and manufacturers have made many significant improvements over the past decades. Reactors, columns, tanks, pipes, valves, filters and other process equipment and accessories contains surfaces of glass lining.
Our glass lining repair technology based on unique developed and currently state of the art 3D surface scanning and analysing technology. After the sensing and then, the data-analysing process completed, we are able to design and manufacture precise and bespoke, additively produced (3d printed) glass lining repair patch with outstanding precision. We can apply this perfectly tailored repair-patch directly onto the damaged area, which will fit flawlessly, even on multi curved surfaces (part of torus or saddle like nozzle connections) where sheet forming is very problematic or even not possible. The result is restored equipment function, with very same mechanical and chemical properties as the original surface.
The AENAFLEX73 repairing system provides much reduced use of number of fixing bolts thanks to the high inertia Tantalum parts directly printed by laser powder bed fusion technology in comparison with more traditional methods. We do complex lattice structures making the repair patch rigid on the side of no product contact. That means of no need for damaging the still heathy enamel surfaces with several threaded holes, only a fraction number is needed for fixing the patch but this at the same time causing enough force for fluoropolymer sealings at the connecting surfaces.
If leakage occurred due to severe corrosion, the same technology is applied, but first, a special steel plug is made – and welded into - by following exact geometry of the damaged wall and fixed into it making pressure tight again the equipment. Then corrosion protecting patch is applied.
We believe that our AENAFLEX73, industrial glass lining repair technology is valuable for pharmaceutical and chemical industry, because our fixing technologies and products are able to extend operating time and lifetime of highly valuable production equipment, maintain and restore the equipment function by limiting the production downtime.

Rimóczi és Társa Ltd.
- H-1181 Budapest, Vasvári Pál utca 6, Hungary
- Phone: +36 1 297 0300
- Fax: +36 1 297 0307